• 謝將軍賜財富興旺

誠心一注香    拜請幽冥使者謝將軍前来扶助

弟子(善男    信女)


財運興旺 手風順利 財源廣進 

大吉大利 順興如意  財興氣旺

謝将軍大顯威靈 弟子所求得願

謝將軍賜財富興旺 General Xie In the legendary Chinese folklore, Bai Wu Chang named Xie Bi An, often full of smile, tall and thin, fair complexion, and his official hat written “Fortune”. Holding on his hand is the “Mournful Stick” which can wake or stun the soul. Respected by most as Seven Master, commonly known in Malaysia as “Da Ye Bo”, he is the king or the minister of all the Gods at the East Prison. General Xie often inspects the world at night. He will record down those who has done evil and handed it to the judge. For those who has done good deed, he will report it to the Son of Heaven. The name “Xie Bi An” has the intention that peace and good luck will be with those who thanks and respect the Gods. And at the same time, bring good fortune to them.


  • Product Code: Pray15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • RM18.88

  • Ex Tax: RM18.88

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